way :: animator.ru : data base : films : «»
0 , 6 min. 39 sec., 2013
directed byHariton Klimov
written byHariton Klimov
art directorsR. Tolstobrov, I. Babushkina, Arthur Tolstobrov, Julia Ivashkina
animatorsMaria Gavrilenko, Arthur Tolstobrov, Vladislav Eroshenko, Alexandra Yevseyeva, S. Maximovich, R. Tolstobrov
cameramanAlexander Diukov
produced byAlexandra Yevseyeva
music Karlon
sound Karlon
voice artistsIvan Chuvatkin, Ekaterina Kupchenko, Anastasia Dobrynina, Andrey Vedeneev, Ye. Voronina, Igor Burovichev, Baghdana Podrazhantseva, Roman Ryzhov

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