way :: animator.ru : data base : films : «THE BEAR-BULLY»
10 min. 18 sec.
 About education of friendship. The Bear who thinks that he is the strongest offends small animals. Two little hares and the Young fox wish to teach him a good lesson. They dress up in scarecrow to frighten the bear. But when they see that the Bear got in a trouble they rescue him. And the Bear improves.
directed byPetr Nossov
written byN. Okropiridze
art directorsVladimir Arbekov, Igor Znamensky
artistsGalina Nevzorova, Vera Rodgero
animatorsFaina Yepifanova, Elizabeth Komova, Boris Butakov, Dmitry Belov, Vladimir Krumin, Mstislav Kuprach, Vadim Dolgikh, Lidia Reztsova, Renata Mirenkova
cameramenEkaterina Rizo, N. Sokolova
musicO. Gordeli
soundGeorge Martynuk
words (poems)Ya. Akim

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