way :: animator.ru : data base : films : «THE YELLOW STORK»
10 min. 42 sec.
 "The film is based on an ancient Chinese fairy tale. ICF in Delhi, 1951 - the Honourable diploma; ICF in Bombay, 1952 - the Diploma" The film narrates about the simple people of China who despite of heavy work and oppression, did not lose belief in life and love to freedom.
directed byLev Atamanov
written byBoris Brodsky, Michael Papava
art directorsAlexander Trussov, Alexander Vinokurov
artistsV. Zavilopulo, Irina Svetlitsa, Vera Rodgero
animatorsLidia Reztsova, Valentin Lalayants, Vladimir Danilevich, Lamis Bredis, Boris Chani, Dmitry Belov, Michael Botov, Boris Dezhkin
cameramanNikolai Vohinov
musicKaren Khachaturyan
soundNikolai Prilutsky
voice artistsDmitry Kara-Dmitriev, Nikolai Alexandrovich, Vladimir Vladislavsky
cutterA. Firsova
words (poems)Samuil Marshak

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