way :: animator.ru : data base : films : «A NOISY VOYAGE»
13 min. 12 sec.
 About the adventures of the little frog - the pop actor in the sea and on a land. It is a musical-adventure film. The little Frog the musician hastens on the concert. He is late for the ship and he begins his voyage on the small ship. The boatswain is irritated with the restless passenger, and he throws him out in the sea. And at that time the ship is wrecked.
directed byVladimir Suteyev
written byNikolai Aduyev
art directorLeonid Amalrik
animatorsAlexandra Snezhko-Blotskaya, Lamis Bredis, Nadezhda Privalova, Faina Yepifanova, V. Kuper
cameramenD. Karetny, K. Krylova
musicAlexander Tsfasman, Alexei Sokolov-Kamin
soundS. Rensky

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