way :: animator.ru : data base : films : «THE GOLDEN BOY»
15 min. 55 sec.
It is a musical film which derides meanness and egoism, the bearer of which are the fairy tale characters.
directed byVadim Kurchevsky
written byVadim Kurchevsky, Ye. Patrik
art directorOlga Gvozdeva
animatorsYoury Klepatsky, Pavel Petrov, Maya Buzinova, Vyacheslav Shilobreyev
cameramenTeodor Bunimovich, Michael Kamenetsky
executive producerNathan Bitman
musicAlexander Zatsepin, George Garanyan
soundVladimir Kutuzov
script editorRaisa Frichinskaya
puppets and decorMarina Chesnokova, Gennady Lutinsky, Valery Petrov, Semyon Etlis, V. Kuranov, Victor Grishin, Galina Gettinger, Svetlana Znamenskaya, Oleg Massainov, Roman Gurov, Vladimir Abbakumov, V. Kalashnikova
voice artistsGotlib Roninson, Clara Rumyanova, Anatoly Papanov
text writerAlexander Timofeyevsky
cutterNadezhda Treshcheva

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