way :: animator.ru : data base : films : «PEACE TO YOUR HOUSE»
20 min. 48 sec.
 Parable about the Person, War and Peace. From a century War destroyed everything created by the Person. But time has come and hands of People can protect the World when they unite.
directed byVictor Nikitin, Igor Nikolayev
written byNazym Khikmet
art directorsIgor Nikolayev, Victor Nikitin
artistIrina Svetlitsa
animatorsVladimir Karp, Victor Arsentiev, Vladimir Popov, Victor Shevkov, Valentin Karavaev, Vladimir Pekar, Vadim Dolgikh, Vladimir Krumin
cameramanMichael Druyan
musicAlexei Nikolayev
soundGeorge Martynuk
art directorSergei Yutkevich
script editorArcady Snessarev

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