way :: animator.ru : data base : films : «MUK (ANIMATED CROCODALE ¹4)»
10 min. 6 sec.
 The film is completely devoted to the struggle for cleanliness of water resources and for economical attitude to the nature. The director of the factory which pollutes the reservoir, Bulbulkin turns into a fish, he is forced to drink the poisoned water. Filters are put on the pipes of the factory.
directed byDmitry Babichenko
written byA. Dneprov, Lev Arkadyev, V. Dneprov
art directorsVladimir Sobolev, Petr Repkin
artistDmitry Anpilov
animatorsIgor Podgorsky, Vladimir Arbekov, Valentin Karavaev, Vladimir Zarubin, Vladimir Popov, Joseph Douksha, Kirill Malyantovich, Vladimir Pekar, Maya Buzinova
cameramanElena Petrova
executive producerG. Kruglikov
musicNikita Bogoslovsky
soundNikolai Prilutsky
script editorPetr Frolov

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