way :: animator.ru : data base : films : «SPOON FOR A SOLDIER»
0 , 13 min., 2015
directed byIrina Tarassova
written byDmitry Yakutovich
art directorA. Matjushevskaya
animatorsM. Yanushkevich, Martha Gerashchenko, Maria Puchkova, Maria Ivanova, S. Saevets, Nikolai Yarunin, Irina Tarassova, Ye. Zakharenko, Ye. Tumanova, Vitaly Bobrovsky
musicVictor Kopytko
soundYevgeny Rogozin
voice artistsV. Glotov, A. Kashperov, O. Nefedova, Yu. Mikhlevich, Alexander Lenkin, A. Vergunov, Dmitry Pustilnik

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