way :: animator.ru : data base : films : «»
0 , 12 min. 30 sec., 2015
directed byJulia Mikushina
written byNika Bezrukavaia, Julia Mikushina
art directorJulia Mikushina
animatorsKseniya Ustuzhaninova, Julia Mikushina, Petr Zakrevsky, Isolda Solodova, Julia Mukhamedshina, Vera Pozdeeva, K. Belousov
composingSophia Pogorelskaia, Denis Boiko, Petr Zakrevsky, K. Belousov, Sergei Reshetnikov
produced byValentina Khizhnyakova, Irina Volodina
soundNadezhda Shestakova
voice artistsKseniya Ustuzhaninova, Vyacheslav Kirilichev, Marina Savinova, Yasha Kosterin

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