way :: animator.ru : data base : films : «»
0 , Betacam-SP , 3 min. 32 sec., 2007
directed byAndrey Baturin
written byAndrey Baturin
art directorAndrey Baturin
artistAndrey Baturin
animatorsPavel Muntian, Vassily Kashnikov, Julia Borissova, Maria Susidko, Ivan Levenko, Ivan Voznesenskii, Andrey Baturin, Ekaterina Chepik, Alexei Minchenok, Pavel Genender, Konstantin Birukov, Alexander Palatnikov, Vassily Koretsky, Alec Vasilevski, Natalia Trenikhina, Arthur Merkulov, Vladimir Gvozdev, Sofia Bakhurina
cameramanAndrey Baturin
produced byPavel Muntian
music , Zheka Lizin
soundZheka Lizin

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