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0 , Betacam-SP , 13 min., 2007
Film from series «MOUNTAIN OF GEMS»
After years of privation, the impoverished Kim suddenly comes into money. But what use is a beautiful palace and mountains of food when you know that it has all appeared from nowhere? It might be an idea for Kim to learn to share.
directed byLeon Estrin
written byOleg Uzhinov, Leon Estrin
art directorPolina Novikova
artistsTatiana Ivonina, O. Antonenkova
animatorsYe. Lazareva, Maya Khiggins, Elena Golyankova, Oksana Ten, Leon Estrin, Ekaterina Volkova
cameramenAndrey Puchnin, Andrey Gankov
produced byIgor Gelashvili, Irina Kaplichnaya
musicLev Zemplinsky
soundVladislav Tarassov
voice artistAlbert Filozov

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