way :: animator.ru : data base : films : «BIRDS FOOT»
0 , DVD , 13 min. 16 sec., 2006
Film from series «MOUNTAIN OF GEMS»
directed byVladislav Bairamgulov
written byMichael Aldashin, Tunsulpan Burakaev, George Zakolodyazhny
artistVladislav Bairamgulov
animatorsYevgenia Lavrentyeva, D. Silnitskaya, Sergei Yarutin, Elena Lapshina, Ye. Shabanova, Natalia Grofpel
produced byIgor Gelashvili, Irina Kaplichnaya
musicUral Idelbaev
soundS. Almaev, Vladislav Tarassov, Anastasia Nikolayeva

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