way :: animator.ru : data base : films : «PETER SENTSOVS EVOLUTION»
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0 , 13 min., 2005
directed byAndrey Sokolov
written byAndrey Salomatov
art directorsMichael Zheludkov, Andrey Sokolov
artistIrina Litmanovich
animatorsS. Kiryakin, Marina Antonova, Michael Rykunov, Elena Golyankova, Alexei Fedorovich, Svetlana Zimina, Olga Merkureva, Pavel Barkov, Oleg Uzhinov, Ya. Dronina
produced byAlexander Gerassimov, Igor Gelashvili, Vyacheslav Mayassov
musicLev Zemplinsky
soundVadim Kruglov
voice artistsAnia Orel, Alexei Kolgun, Olga Shelest, K. Baranov, Larissa Brokhman, Alexander Pozharov, Konstantin Abramov

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