way :: animator.ru : data base : films : «NUNKY AHU»
19 min. 1 sec.
Film from series «NUNKY AHU»
The first film from series about magic forest man AU and his adventures among people. On the motives of the Finnish writer H. Mjakel’s fairy-tale
directed byJoseph Douksha, Maya Buzinova
written byEduard Uspensky, Kh Myakelya
art directorOlga Gvozdeva
animatorsJoseph Douksha, Maya Buzinova
cameramanAlexander Zhukovsky
musicAlexander Zhurbin
soundVitaly Azarovsky
script editorAlice Feodoridi
voice artistsVladimir Ferapontov, Alexander Grave (from the author) , Tatiana Reshetnikova, Michael Lobanov, Vassily Livanov (uncle Au)

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