way :: animator.ru : data base : films : «FROST IVANOVICH»
10 min. 12 sec.
 The film is put on the motives of Russian national fairy tale about two sisters - hard-working Dunyasha and lazy Malasha, and about Frost Ivanovich who awarded one girl and punished the other.
directed byIvan Aksenchuk
written byHenry Sapgir
art directorVictor Nikitin
animatorsElena Malashenkova, Anatoly Abarenov, Joseph Kuroyan, Oleg Safronov, Marina Rogova, Marina Voskaniants, Vladimir Shevchenko, Alexander Panov
cameramanMichael Druyan
executive producerNinel Lipnitskaya
musicIgor Tsvetkov
soundVladimir Kutuzov
script editorElena Mikhailova
voice artistsOlga Gromova, Vyacheslav Nevinny, Veronica Vassilyeva, Clara Rumyanova

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