way :: animator.ru : data base : films : «A LITTLE BALL-LANTERN»
7 min. 18 sec.
 In the wood the sun does not appear. Night animals are pleased, and the others are sad. The little mouse decided that the Sun can be replaced by a yellow balloon. And so it becomes more cheerful in the wood. And then the present Sun appears.
directed byVladimir Danilevich
written byJeanna Vitenzon
art directorAnatoly Kuritsyn
artistsVictor Grishin, Natalia Grinberg, Alexander Gorbachev
animatorsA. Andronnikov, Sergei Olifirenko, Olga Panokina
cameramanVladimir Sidorov
executive producerG. Kovrov
musicYevgeny Botiarov
soundBoris Filchikov
script editorNatalia Abramova
puppets and decorSemyon Etlis, Valentin Ladygin, Anna Vetukova
cutterG. Filatova
words (poems)Henry Sapgir

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