way :: animator.ru : data base : films : «TEREM-TEREMOK»
10 min.
 On the motives of Y. Vasnetsov’s paintings. In the small forest house the Fly, the Little Mouse, the Frog, the Hare and the Cock settled. The Bear also wanted to settle in that house but he was too big for it and so he destroyed the house. He realizes his fault and he helped the animals to built a new house.
directed byLeonid Amalrik
written byVladimir Suteyev
art directorsGely Arkadyev, Nadezhda Privalova
animatorsIvan Davydov, Alexander Davydov, Elizabeth Komova, Anatoly Solin, Renata Mirenkova
cameramanMichael Druyan
musicNikita Bogoslovsky
soundVladimir Kutuzov

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